Device Interaction

This API is read only and allows browsing interactions.

GET /device-interaction/list

Get the list of interactions matching the specified query. This endpoint supports pagination.

Accepted query parameters are:

offset Pagination offset
limit Max number of results
device_id Device ID
device_code Device Code
device_name Device Name (partial search)
device_deviceType Device Type (partial search)
device_parent_id ID of Device’s Parent
device_parent_code Code of Device’s Parent
device_parent_name Name of Device’s Parent (partial search)
device_parent_deviceType Type of Device’s Parent (partial search)
targetDevice_id Target Device ID
targetDevice_code Target Device Code
targetDevice_name Target Device Name (partial search)
targetDevice_deviceType Target Device Type (partial search)
targetDevice_parent_id ID of Target Device’s Parent
targetDevice_parent_code Code of Target Device’s Parent
targetDevice_parent_name Name of Target Device’s Parent (p. s.)
targetDevice_parent_deviceType Type of Target Device’s Parent (p. s.)
recordedFrom_id ID of the Recording Device
recordedFrom_code Code of the Recording Device (p. s.)
recordedFrom_name Name of the Recording Device (p. s.)
recordedFrom_deviceType Type of the Recording Device (p. s.)
delegate_id Delegate ID
delegate_barcode Delegate Barcode
delegate_publicId Delegate Public ID
delegate_externalId Delegate External ID
delegate_rfid Delegate RFID
delegate_uhfId Delegate UHF ID
delegate_email Delegate Email
delegate_parent_id ID of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_barcode Barcode of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_publicId Public ID of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_externalId External ID of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_rfid RFID of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_uhfId UHF ID of the Delegate’s Parent
delegate_parent_email Email of the Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_id Target Delegate ID
targetDelegate_barcode Target Delegate Barcode
targetDelegate_publicId Target Delegate Public ID
targetDelegate_externalId Target Delegate External ID
targetDelegate_rfid Target Delegate RFID
targetDelegate_uhfId Target Delegate UHF ID
targetDelegate_email Target Delegate Email
targetDelegate_parent_id ID of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_barcode Barcode of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_publicId Public ID of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_externalId Ext. ID of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_rfid RFID of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_uhfId UHF ID of the Target Delegate’s Parent
targetDelegate_parent_email Email of the Target Delegate’s Parent
recordedBy_id ID of the Delegate who recorded it
recordedBy_barcode Barcode of the Recording Delegate
recordedBy_publicId Public ID of the Recording Delegate
recordedBy_externalId External ID of the Recording Delegate
recordedBy_rfid RFID of the Recording Delegate
recordedBy_uhfId UHF ID of the Recording Delegate
recordedBy_email Email of the Recording Delegate
interactionType Interaction Type (exact match)
recordedAtAfter Recorded after this timestamp
recordedAtBefore Recorded before this timestamp
createdAtAfter Created after this timestamp
createdAtBefore Created before this timestamp

When querying a device or delegate by a unique code, like ID, code, RFID, barcode and public ID, make sure you provide only one or the API will return a validation error.

Also beware that querying devices on name or type performs a partial search. If you search for “app” against a device type for example, that will match “regoapp”, “mobileapp” and so on.

The format for createdAtAfter, createdAtBefore, recordedAtAfter and recordedAtBefore must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (24h format).


The response is a collection of interactions:

    "device": {
      "id": 8
    "targetDevice": {
      "id": 11
    "delegate": {
      "firstName": "name32",
      "lastName": "surname32"
    "id": 189,
    "interactionType": "outbid",
    "data": {
      "quantity1": 10,
      "quantity2": 50,
      "quantity3": 150
    "recordedAt": "2019-07-11T17:21:01+12:00",
    "createdAt": "2019-07-11T17:21:01+12:00",
    "updatedAt": "2019-07-11T17:21:01+12:00"
    "device": {
      "id": 8
    "targetDevice": {
      "id": 11
    "delegate": {
      "firstName": "name32",
      "lastName": "surname32"
    "id": 190,
    "interactionType": "outbid",
    "data": {
      "quantity1": 10,
      "quantity2": 50,
      "quantity3": 150
    "recordedAt": "2019-07-11T17:21:16+12:00",
    "createdAt": "2019-07-11T17:21:16+12:00",
    "updatedAt": "2019-07-12T14:25:07+12:00"
    "device": {
      "id": 8
    "targetDevice": {
      "id": 11
    "delegate": {
      "firstName": "name32",
      "lastName": "surname32"
    "id": 191,
    "interactionType": "bid",
    "data": {
      "quantity1": 110,
      "quantity2": 110,
      "quantity3": 110
    "recordedAt": "2019-07-12T14:25:07+12:00",
    "createdAt": "2019-07-12T14:25:07+12:00",
    "updatedAt": "2019-07-12T14:25:07+12:00"