Basic Concepts
There are four first class actors, everything else revolve around them.
A device is anything that a delegate can interact with, use or attend to. They can be physical objects or abstract concept. Common physical devices widely used are: registration apps, gate apps, sponsor apps and also rooms, groups, and sponsors. The most common abstract device is the session.
Because of their importance and wide use, room, sessions and sponsors have their own dedicated pages in the Control Room and their own specific endpoints in the REST API even though their are “just” devices.
An interaction is a relation between a delegate and a device. Usually stems from an active action, like checking-in or checking-out, but can also originates from passive actions, like being seen by a UHF reader or being assigned to a session (commonly known as joining a session).
A lead is a complex interaction and usually requires a delegate to fill up a form or a answer some questions.
Other concepts available are:
OAuth2 Client
A client holds the credentials for a particular device.
An email template or layout for outgoing communications triggered by registrations or interactions. Layout and copy can be edited in the Control Room, where you can also find the logs of all emails sent through the system.
An SMS, like an email, can be triggered by registrations or interactions. The copy can be edited in the Control Room, where you can also find the logs of all texts sent through the system.
A questionnaire defines questions and options for collecting leads. It can be edited in the Control Room and retrieved by the mobile apps through the REST API